Asuransi Gempa Bumi, Letusan Gunung Berapi dan Tsunami

 Asuransi Gempa Bumi, Letusan Gunung Berapi dan Tsunami

Seperti namanya Polis ini menjamin kerusakan atau kerugian yang disebabkan oleh Gempa Bumi, Letusan Gunung Berapi dan Tsunami serta Kebakaran dan ledakan setelah terjadinya Gempa Bumi.

1.   Gempa Bumi, diartikan sebagai goncangan atau getaran bumi akibat gejala geologi seperti pergerakan tektonik dan letusan gunung berapi.

2.    Kebakaran dan peledakan setelah terjadinya gempa bumi, diartikan sebagai kebakaran dan peledakan yang diakibatkan langsung oleh gempa bumi.

3.   Letusan Gunung Berapi, diartikan sebagai keluarnya larutan atau batu panas atau uap, gas atau cairan dari lubang atau lubang-lubang ditanah.

4.   Tsunami, diartikan sebagai gelombang besar akibat pergeseran tanah dibawah laut seperti penyusupan lempengan kerak bumi atau oleh letusan gunung berapi.

Klausul 72 Jam

Peristiwa Gempa Bumi, Letusan Gunung Berapi dan Tsunami yang terjadi dalam rangkaian waktu 72 jam untuk keperluan polis ini dianggap sebagai satu kejadian sehingga tetap dalam jaminan polis dan berlaku satu kali potongan klaim (deductible)

Potongan Klaim (Deductible)

Mengingat kerusakan atau kerugian yang ditimbulkan oleh peristiwa Gempa Bumi, Letusan Gunung Berapi dan Tsunami adalah bersifat katastropik yang sangat besar, maka adalah wajar jika Tertanggung harus memikul bagian risiko sendiri yang cukup besar pula yaitu ditetapkan 2.5% dari Total Harga Pertanggungan (TSI) yang terjadi dalam rangkaian waktu 72 jam untuk keperluan polis ini dianggap sebagai satu kejadian sehingga tetap dalam jaminan polis dan berlaku satu kali potongan klaim (deductible)

Benefit Tambahan

Benefit tambahan dari Asuransi Gempa Bumi, Letusan Gunung Berapi dan Tsunami adalah mengikuti atau sama dengan polis Asuransi Kebakaran atau Asuransi Property All Risks (PAR) nya

Premi Gempa

Pada awalnya MAIPARK atau Pool Asuransi Risiko Khusus yang menangani Asuransi Gempa Bumi, Letusan Gunung Berapi dan Tsunami menerapkan rate premi yang cukup tinggi berkisar dari 0.12% s/d 0.15% berdasarkan Earthquake Zone lokasi pertanggungan. Namun dalam perkembangannya di praktek Perusahaan Asuransi bersaing hanya pada tarip dasar Asuransi Kebakaran atau Asuransi Property All Risks nya, paling tinggi mereka hanya mengenakan tambahan premi 0.05% saja untuk tambahan risiko Gempa Bumi, Letusan Gunung Berapi dan Tsunami

Bahkan perkembangan terakhir di market sudah lazim dengan istilah “Beli PAR Gratis Earthquake” atau malah sebaliknya “Beli Earthquake Gratis PAR” yang berarti mereka hanya mengenakan tarip dasar 0.15% saja untuk paket Asuransi PAR plus Earthquake.

Syarat - Syarat Polis Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor.

Syarat - Syarat Polis Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor.
Untuk mempelajari bagian ini, Anda harus mempersiapkan wording polis Bab III pasal 4 sampai dengan pasal 21.
Pasal 4
Polis/Pertanggungan hanya berlaku di wilayah Negara republik Indonesia. Ini berarti bahwa jika kendaraan mengalami tabrakan ketika berada di wilayah Malaysia atau Tim-Tim, maka polis tidak menjamin kerugian tersebut.
Pasal 5
Berdasarkan pasal ini, maka premi harus dibayar lunas sebelum jaminan polis berlaku.
Berlakunya Pertanggungan ditunda jika premi belum dibayar setelah 10 hari sejak dimulainya pertanggungan.
Polis batal demi hokum jika lewat 90 hari premi belum belum diterima oleh Penanggung.
Pasal 6
Pemberitahuan kecelakaan wajib diberitahukan dalam waktu 3 x 24 jam kerjanyang bisa dilakukan secara tertulis atau lisan yang dikuti laporan tertulis, Kerugian yang dilakukan Pihak III harus ada laporan polisi, dan dalam hal total loss akibat pencurian, maka harus ada surat keterangan polda setempat (biasanya Kaditserse).
Pasal 7
Klaim TJH Pihak III : Wajib lapor dalam 3 x 24 Jam, menyerahkan dokumen sehubungan dengan tuntutan pihak III tersebut, Tertanggung tidak boleh memberikan janji dan bahkan tidak membuat tindakan yang membuat kesan bahwa ia mengakui Tanggung Gugat tersebut, menguasakan kepada Penanggung untuk mengurus tuntutan ganti rudi pihak III tersebut.
Pasal 8 Tuntutan Pidana terhadap Tertanggung :
  • Jika ada tuntutan tsb sebagai akibat kerugian pihak III, wajib lapor kepada Penanggung.
  • Penanggung berhak menunjuk penasihat hokum dan wajin dipakai oleh tertanggung. Biayanya ditanggung oleh Penanggung.
Pasal 9 Ganti Rugi :
  • Berdasarkan harga sebenarnya sesaat sebelum terjadi klaim setelah diperhitungkan dengan resiko sendiri dan pertanggungan dibawah harga
  • Penanggung berhak memeriksa kerusakan kendaraan sebelum diperbaiki di bengkel dan berhak menentukan bengkel.
  • Tertanggung berhak mengajukan ketidak-puasan atas hasil perbaikan kendaraan.
Pasal 10
Kerugian total adalah kerusakan yang biaya perbaikannya diperkirakan sama dengan atau lebih dari 75% dari harga sebenarnya (market value /VAR) kendaraan bermotor tersebut bila diperbaiki atau hilang karena dicuri dan tidak ditemukan dalam waktu 60 hari sejak terjadinya pencurian.
Pasal 11
Pertanggungan Rangkap/prinsip kontribusi.
Pasal 12
Pertanggungan dibawah Harga (dijelaskan pada bagian berikut)
Pasal 14
Prinsip Subrogasi - Jelas dari wording polis.
Pasal 15 s/d pasal 21
} Langsung dilihat pada PSKBI Wording.


A policy of marine insurance may contain several clauses. Some of the clauses are common to all marine policies while others are included to meet special requirements of the insured. Hull, cargo and freight policies have different standard clauses. There are standard clauses which are invariably used in marine insurance. Firstly, policies are constructed in general, ordinary and popular sense, and, later on, specific clauses are added to them according to terms and conditions of the contract. Some of the important clauses in a marine policy are described below:

1.Valuation Clause
. This clause states the value of the subject matter insured as agreed upon between both the parties.

2. Sue and Labour clause
. This clause authorizes the insured to take all possible steps to avert or minimize the loss or to protect the subject matter insured in case of danger. The insurer is liable to pay the expenses, if any,incurred by the insured for this purpose.

3. Waiver Clause
. This clause is an extension of the above clause. The clause states that any act of the insured or the insurer to protect, recover or preserve the subject matter of insurance shall not be taken to mean that the insured wants to forgo the compensation, nor will it mean that the insurer accepts the act as abandonment of the policy.

4.Touch and Stay Clause
. This clause requires the ship to touch and stay atsuch ports and in such order as specified in the policy. Any departure from theroute mentioned in the policy or the ordinary trade route followed will beconsidered as deviation unless such departure is essential to save the ship or the lives on board in an emergency.

5.Warehouse to warehouse clause
. This clause is inserted to cover the risks to goods from the time they are dispatched from the consignor’s warehouse until their delivery at the consignee’s warehouse at the port of destination.

6.Inchmaree Clause.
This clause covers the loss or damage caused to the ship or machinery by the negligence of the master of the ship as well as by explosives or latent defect in the machinery or the hull.

7. F.P.A. and F.A.A. Clause
. The F.P.A. (Free of Particular Average) clause relieves the insurer from particular average liability. The F.A.A. ( free of all average) clause relieves the insurer from liability arising from both particular average and general average.

8.Lost or Not Lost Clause.
Under this clause, the insurer is liable even if theship insured is found not to be lost prior to the contact of insurance, providedthe insurer had no knowledge of such loss and does not commit any fraud.This clause covers the risks between the issue of the policy and the shipmentof the goods.

9.Running down Clause.
This clause covers the risk arising out of collision between two ships. The insurer is liable to pay compensation to the owner of the damaged ship. This clause is used in hull insurance.

10.Free of Capture and Seizure Clause
. This clause relieves the insurer from the liability of making compensation for the capture and seizure of the vessel by enemy countries. The insured can insure such abnormal risks by taking an extra ‘war risks’ policy.

11.Continuation Clause
. This clause authorizes the vessel to continue and complete her voyage even if the time of the policy has expired. This clause isused in a time policy. The insured has to give prior notice for this and deposit a monthly prorate premium.

12. Barratry Clause
. This clause covers losses sustained by the ship owner or the cargo owner due to willful conduct of the master or crew of the ship.

13.Jettison Clause
. Jettison means throwing overboard a part of the ship’s cargo so as to reduce her weight or to save other goods. This clause covers the loss arising out of such throwing of goods. The owner of jettisoned goods is compensated by all interested parties.

14.At and From Clause
. This clause covers the subject matter while it is lying at the port of departure and until it reaches the port of destination. It is used in voyage policies. If the policy consists of the word ‘from’ only instead of ‘at and from’, the risk is covered only from the time of departure of the ship.


Types of Marine Loss

Types of Marine Loss

A loss arising in a marine adventure due to perils of the sea is a marine loss.Marine loss may be classified into two categories:
1) Total loss
A total loss implies that the subject matter insured is fully destroyed and istotally lost to its owner. It can be Actual total loss or Constructive total loss.
In actual total loss subject matter is completely destroyed or so damaged thatit ceases to be a thing of the kind insured. e.g. sinking of ship, complete destruction of cargo by fire, etc.In case of constructive total loss the ship or cargo insured is not completely destroyed but is so badly damaged that the cost of repair or recovery would be greater than the value of the property saved. e.g. a ship dashed against therock and is stranded in a badly damaged position. If the expenses of bringing it back and repairing it would be more than the actual value of the damaged ship, it is abandoned.
2) Partial loss
 A partial loss occurs when the subject matter is partially destroyed or damaged. Partial loss can be
general average or particular average
.General average refers to the sacrifice made during extreme circumstances for the safety of the ship and the cargo. This loss has to be borne by all theparties who have an interest in the marine adventure. e.g. A loss caused by throwing overboard of goods is a general average and must be shared by various parties.
Particular average may be defined as a loss arising from damage accidentally caused by the perils insured against. Such a loss is borne by the underwriter who insured the object damaged. e.g. If a ship is damaged due to bad weather the loss incurred is a particular average loss.


Concealed Damage Clause (Marine)

 Marine Concealed Damage Clause
It is agreed that any loss or damage discovered on opening containers, cases and/or packages shall be deemed to have occurred during the transit insured hereunder (and irrespective of attachment of Assured’s interest) and shall be paid for accordingly unless proof conclusive to the contrary be established, it being understood that any containers, cases and/or packages showing signs of damage are to be opened immediately on the cessation of risk hereunder.

This agreement shall, however, only apply where such loss or damage is discovered within 30 days of the cessation of risk hereunder.

It is further agreed that subject to prompt advice to Underwriters and the payment of an additional premium, if required, the above-mentioned period may be extended.


<applying to import shipments>
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, it is specially understood and agreed that in the event of the goods hereby insured or any part thereof being carried on deck, whether by the exercise of a liberty granted to shipowners or charterers under the contract of affreightment or not, the conditions on such deckload shall be subject to Institute Cargo Clauses (C) (Clause 4.7 of which being deemed to be deleted in case of the original condition not excluding deliberate damage etc, in the said clause) including the risk of Washing Overboard, so long as the goods hereby insured are stored on deck.


The inclusion in this contract of Insurance against Strikes Risks (as defined in the Institute Strikes Clauses) may be cancelled by either the Underwriters or the Assured giving 7 days’ (48 hours in respect of sending to or from U.S.A.) notice.
Such cancellation shall become effective on the expiry of 7 days (48 hours in respect of sending to or from U.S.A.) from midnight of the day on which notice of the cancellation is issued by or to Underwriters, but shall not apply to any Insurance against the said risks which shall have attached before the cancellation becomes effective.



The cover against war risks (as defined in the relevant Institute War Clauses) may be cancelled by either the Underwriters or the Assured except in respect of any insurance which shall have attached in accordance with the conditions of the Institute War Clauses before the cancellation becomes effective. Such cancellation shall however only become effective on the expiry of 7 days from midnight of the day on which notice of the cancellation is issued by or to the Underwriters.



Alterations Clause
Notwithstanding anything contained in the printed conditions of the Policy to the contrary, it is noted and agreed that this Insurance shall not be prejudiced in the event of any alterations being made to the property insured whereby the risk of damage is increased, provided that notice of such alteration be given to the Insurer within sixty (60) days of the commencement of such alterations and additional premium paid, if required from the date of such alteration.

Appraisement Value Clause
If the aggregate claim for anyone loss does not exceed 5 (five) per cent of the sum insured by the item or items affected (whichever may be the less) no special inventory or appraisement of the undamaged property shall be required.
If two or more buildings be included in a single item, this provision shall apply to the range of buildings insured by this item.
For the purpose of this clause, the term “item” shall be held to the total sum insured on buildings and/or contents by the items affected.

Architects, Surveyors, and Consulting Engineers Expenses Clause
It is hereby noted and agreed as follows :

1.The Insurance of each item on the Building or Contents includes an amount in respect of Architects’ Surveyor’s Legal and Consulting Engineers Fees not exceeding those provided under the scales of the various institutions and/or bodies regulating such fees prevailing at the time of the destruction or damage and not exceeding 5 % of the individual sums insured.

2.The Insurance on Fees applies only to those necessarily and reasonably incurred in the reinstatement or repair of Property Insured consequent upon its destruction or damage but not for preparing any claim, it being understood that the amount payable under the item shall not exceed in total its sum insured.

Automatic Reinstatement of Loss Clause
In consideration of the Insured undertaking to pay an additional premium at the agreed rate on the amount of loss calculated on a pro-rata basis from the date of such loss to the expiry of the current period of insurance, it is agreed that in the event of loss the insurance hereunder shall automatically maintain in force for the full sum insured stated in the schedule.

Automatic Reinstatement of Sum Insured Clause
In consideration of the Insured undertaking to pay any premium at the agreed rate on the amount of loss on pro-rata basis from the date of such loss to expire of the current period of insurance, it is agreed that in the event of loss the Insurance hereunder shall automatically remain in force for the full sum insured.

Bankers' Clause 2
It Is hereby noted and agreed that the property Insured under this Policy has been pledged with PT. Bank ……………. and until such time as the said Bank shall have notified the Insurer, in the contrary, the Insurer shall advise the said Bank :
I. If the Insured proposed to cancel or give notice of cancellation of any such insurance, at least 30
(thirty) days before such cancellation is to take effects ;
II.Of :
a.Any material alteration, and/or
b.Termination or Expiry
Of any such insurance at least 30 (thirty) days before such alteration, termination or expiry take place

III.Promptly of any default in the payment of any premium or failure to renew any such insurance ;
IV.Of any act or omission or of any event of which the Insurer has knowledge and which they consider might invalidate or render unenforceable in whole or in part any such insurance ;

V.Of any claim under the policy exceeding USD. 10,000.00

It shall be further noted that in the event of loss, if any, payable under this policy, any payment up to the amount to which the said Bank is entitled for principal, interest accrued and costs shall be made to the said Bank without prejudice to the rights of the Insured for the difference and the said Bank shall act in its capacity as a joint-insured subject to the terms conditions and restriction contained in the Policy.

Beneficiary Clause
It is hereby declared and agreed that in the event of the death of the Insured person by accident all compensation due under the within policy shall be payable to :
whose receipt shall be a full and final discharge to the company is of such compensation

Boiler Explosion Clause
“It is hereby expressly understood and agreed that this policy also covers loss or damage to the whole or any part of the property insured (including the boiler) caused by boiler explosion”.

Brand and Label Clause
If branded or labeled merchandise covered by this Policy is damage, and the Insurer elects to take all or any of such merchandise at the agreed or appraised Value, the Insured may, at his own expense, stamp “salvage” on the merchandise or its container or may remove the brands or label, if such stamp or removal of brand or label will not physically damage the merchandise but the Insured shall at its own cost re-label the merchandise or containers in compliance with all of the requirements the applicable law.

Broad, Pair and Set Clause
“It is hereby noted and agreed that, in case of loss destruction or damage to part of a pair or set, the insurer will pay the full amount of the pair or set provided the insured agree to surrender the remaining article or articles of the pair or set to the insurer”.

Burst Of Pipe Endorsement
Notwithstanding of anything in the policy, this insurance shall extend to include loss or damages to the property insured caused by bursting or overflowing of watertanks apparatus or pipes.

Capital Addition Clause
The insurance hereby extends to cover alterations, additions and improvements (but not appreciation in value) in excess of the sums insured to property specified in the Policy for an amount not exceeding 10 % of the sums insured thereby or an amount specified in the policy whichever is the less, it being understood that the Insured undertakes to advise the Insurer each quarter of such alterations, additions and improvements and to pay the appropriate additional premium thereon.

Civil Authorities Clause
The insurance is extended to cover direct loss or damage to the described property caused by acts of destruction executed by order of any Public Authority at the time of and only during a conflagration to retard the spread thereof, and subject to all other terms and conditions of this Policy. This Insurer shall not be liable, however, for more than the amount for which it would have been liable had the loss been caused by the peril insured against under this Policy.

Computer Records Clause
This insurance includes cover for computer system records but only for the value of the materials together with the cost of clerical labor and computer time expended in reproducing such records (excluding any expenses in connection with the production of information to be recorded therein) and not for the value to the Insured of the information contained therein.

Contract Price Clause
In the event of goods insured by this Policy having been sold but not delivered for which the Insured is responsible and under the conditions of sales, the contract is cancelled by reason of non-delivery of such goods destroyed or damaged by fire or by any other perils insured hereby, the liability of the company in respect of such goods shall be based on the Contract Price.

Cost of Re-erection Clause
The insurance by this Policy extends to cover the cost of re-erecting, fitting and fixing machinery or plant destroyed or damaged by any perils hereby insured against providing always that the liability of the Insurer shall not exceed the sum insured of such mabhinery or plant under the Policy.

Cost of Re-writing Records and Claim Preparation
On costs and expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred by the insured following loss or damage to the property insured.
I. to reconstruct and recompile records (but not for the value to the insured of the insured information contained therein)
II. to extract and compile information required by the Company from the insured’s own records for the purpose of preparing a claim under the Policy but excluding legal, investigation fees/expenses incurred for the purpose of contesting any issue over the Company’s Liability under the Policy.
Provided always that no amount shall be recoverable under this endorsement if subsequent to the incurrence of any expenses, the Company shall deny liability for any claim in respect of which the expenses have been incurred (with or without the consent of the Company)

Cost of Re-writing Records and Claim Preparation 2
On costs and expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred by the insured following loss or damage to the property insured.
I. to reconstruct and recompile records (but not for the value to the insured of the insured information contained therein)
II. to extract and compile information required by the Company from the insured’s own records for the purpose of preparing a claim under the Policy but excluding legal, investigation fees/expenses incurred for the purpose of contesting any issue over the Company’s Liability under the Policy.

Cyber Non-aggregation clause
Losses arising, directly or indirectly, out of :
(I) loss or, alteration of, or damage to :
(ii) a reduction in the functionality, availability or operation of a computer system, hardware, programme, software, data, information repository, microchip integrated circuit or similar device in computer equipment or non-computer equipment, whether the property of the policy of the policy holder of the reinsured or not, do not in and of themselves constitute an event unless arising out of one or more of the following perils :
fire, ligthning, explosion, aircraft or vehicle, falling objects, windstorm, hail, tornado, cyclone, hurricane, earthquake, volcano, tsunami, flood, freeze or weight of snow.

Defunct Spares
“It is noted and agreed that in the event of spares currently insured hereunder and represented within the total sum insured under the policy becoming obsolete following an indemnifiable loss to the unit and/or units to which they belong, such spares shall also be deemed a construction total loss. Provided always that such spares can not be used as spares for any other units within the premises of the insured. Insurers retain salvage rights over such spares”

Designation Clause
For the purpose of determining, where necessary, the definition of any property insured hereby the Insurer agree to accept the designation under which such property has been entered in the Insured’s book.

Electrical short circuit clause
It is hereby expressly understood and agreed that this policy also covers loss or damaged as consequence of electrical short circuit

Employee Personal Effects Clause
The indemnity granted by this Policy extends to include clothing and/or personal effects of the employees of the Insured for an amount not exceeding Rp. 2.500.000,- in respect of any one employee and for an amount not exceeding in the aggregate Rp.100.000.000,-


"It is hereby agreed and noted that this policy extended to cover while the goods is being transported by any kind of carrier but not limited to Marine and/or land transit with all risk cover including hijacking"

First Loss Under Insurance Clause
The Insurance by this policy is arranged on the basis of first loss up to an amount stated in the Schedule of this policy.It is agreed that the Average Condition of this Policy is hereby deleted.

Floor, Space, Ratio Index Clause
“Subject to the terms and conditions of this policy in the event of any building being damaged so as to constitute total loss or constructive total loss and as a result of the exercise of Statutory powers and/or authority by any Government Departments Local Government or any other Statutory Authorities reinstatement of such building as before is prohibited and reinstatement is only permissible subject to a reduced floor, space ration index.
The Insurers agree to pay in addition to any amount payable on reinstatement of such building the difference between:
a. the actual cost of reinstatement incurred in accordance with the reduced floor, space ratio index and
b. the cost of reinstatement which would have been incurred had a reduced floor space ratio index not been applied.

In arriving at the amount payable under (a) and (b) above any payments made by the Insurers shall include the extra cost of reinstatement including demolition or dismantling of the property Insured necessarily incurred to comply with the requirements of any act of Parliament or Regulation made thereunder or any Bye-law or Regulation of any Municipal or other Statutory Authority”

Internal Fire Endorsement
It is agreed and understood that othewise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the policy or endorsed thereon, and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended to cover loss or damage due to fire or checmical explosion having originated within items(s)
contained in the specification of the Policy
or due to the extinguishing of such fire or to direct lightning.

Internal Removal Clause
It is understood and agreed that in the event of removal of property from one building to another at any of the situations covered by this Policy being inadvertently not advised to the Insurer, the insurance on such property shall follow removal, the necessary adjustments in sum insured and premium being made as from the date of removal as soon as the oversight is discovered. Provided however that the liability of the Insurer shall not exceed the Sum Insured hereunder.

Leased Property Clause
This Policy extends to indemnify any other party having an interest in the property insured by virtue of and in accordance with the terms of mortgage, Leasing, Hiring or Renting Agreement, provided such property is not more specifically insured.

Lender's Interest CLause
It is hereby noted and agreed that the property Insured under this Policy has been pledged with “………….” and until such time as the said Bank shall have notified the Insurer, in the contrary, the Insurer/the Underwriters shall advice the said Bank :
a. If they propose to cancel or give notice of cancellation of any such insurance, at least 30 days before such cancellation is to take effects
b. of :
(a) any material alteration and/or
(b) termination of expiry of any such insurance at least 30 days before such alteration, termination, of expiry
c. Promptly of any default in the payment of any premium or failure to renew any such insurance
d. Of any act or omission or of any event of which the Insurer has knowledge and which they consider might invalidate or render unenforceable in whole or in part of any such insurance.
e. Of any claim under the Policy exceeding US$. 10,000.00

It shall be further noted that in the event of loss, if any, payable under this Policy, any payment up to the amount to which the said bank is entitled for principal, interest accrued and costs shall be made to the said Bank without prejudice to the rights of the Insured for the difference and the said Bank shall act in its capacity as joint insured subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions contained in the policy.

Loss of Damaged Goods Clause

In case of damage to property bearing brands labels and trademarks the sale of which carries in any way a guarantee of the Insured, the salvage value of such damaged property shall be determined after the removal in the customary manner of all brands labels and trade marks which might be taken to indicate that the guarantee of the manufacturer or the Insured attached to said property. However notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere herein, it is understood and agreed that in case of damage to goods insured under this Policy due to peril insured against, the Insured or their representatives are to retain control of all damaged goods. The Insured, however agrees wherever practicable to use recondition or sell such goods, the sale being made after removal of all brands labels or trademarks, with the Insurer being entitled to the proceeds of the sale. Where the use or disposal or sale of damage goods would be in the opinion of the Insured or their representative detrimental to their interest such damage shall be treated as a constructive total loss and the Insured shall destroy the damaged goods in the presence of a representative of the Insurer and the Insured.

Lubrication Oil & Refrigerant Clause
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, the Insurers shall indemnify the Insured for loss of lubricating oil or refrigerant in the insured machineries contained in the specification of the Policy,
caused by an indemnifiable accident to the above items, subject to
- a separate sum insured being provided in the specification of the Policy for the lubricating oil or the refrigerant
- a deduction of proper depreciation according to the average life expectancy indicated by the manufacturer or otherwise to be determined at the time of the loss

Minor Alterations and Repairs Clause
Minor alterations, additions and repairs to building plant fixtures and fitting, and machinery and minor works in progress are allowed and the insurance by this Policy shall not be prejudiced by this.

Misdescription Clause
It is understood that this insurance shall not be prejudiced by any alteration or mis-description of occupancy provided the Insured shall notify the company immediately they become aware of the same and to pay additional premium if required from the date of the inception of the increased hazard.

Money & Jewellry in safe Endorsement
Notwithstanding of anything contained in the policy to the contrary, this policy is extended to cover Money, Antique and Jewellery in safe.

Money in the premises Extension Cover
Money of the Insured or for which the Insured has assumed or wishes to assume responsibility in expectation of insurable interest is defined as :Cash Bank and Currency Note, Postal Orders and Money Cheques, Giro Cheques, Travellers Cheques, Postage Stamps VAT Purchase Invoice.

New Location Clause
Whereby the Insured having trade in another location not yt declared under the Policy, the Insurer hereby noted and agreed to hold cover such location for 30 days (Subject to additional premium) with limit IDR. _________ any one location with the same terms and conditions of the respective policy.

No Control Clause
“This insurance shall not be affected by failure of the Insured to comply with the provisions of this Policy in any portion of the property over which the Insured has no control”.

Outbuilding Clause
The Insurance by each item under buildings is understood to include walls, gates and fences, small outside buildings, extension, annexes, exterior staircase, fuel installations, steel or iron framework and tanks in the said premises and the insurance by each item under contents extends to contents of each outbuilding, provided their values are included in the sum insured.

Plan and Documents Clause
Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary the insurance hereby is extended to indemnify the insured against costs and expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred to reproduce such plans, documents and records including all the information therein destroyed or damaged as a result of a peril insured hereunder whatever or whenever such loss, destruction or damage shall occur.

Public Authoriries Clause
The Insurance by this Policy extends to include such additional cost of reinstatement of the destroyed or damage property thereby insured as may be incurred solely by reason of the necessity to comply with building or other Regulations under or framed in pursuance of any Government Act or Bye-Law of any Municipal or Local Authority provided that :

1. The amount recoverable under this Extension shall not include :
a. the cost incurred in complying with any of the aforesaid Regulations or Bye- Laws
i. in respect of destruction or damage occurring prior to the granting of this Extension
ii. in respect of destruction or damage not insured by the Policy
iii. under which notice has been served upon the Insured prior to the happening of the destruction or damage.
iv. in respect of undamaged property or undamaged portions of property.
b. the additional cost that would have been required to make good the property damaged or
destroyed to a condition equal to its condition when new had the necessity to comply with any of the aforesaid Regulations or Bye-Laws not arisen.
c. the amount of any rate, tax, duty, development or other charge or assessment arising out of
capital appreciation which may be payable in respect of the property or by the owner thereof by reason of compliance with any of the aforesaid Regulations or Bye-Laws.

2. The work or reinstatement must be commenced and carried out with reasonable dispatch and
in any case must be completed within twelve months after the destruction or damage or within
such further time as the Company may (during the said twelve months) in writing allow and
may be carried out wholly or partially upon another site (if the aforesaid regulations or Bye-Laws so necessitate) subject to the liability of the Insurer under this Extension not being thereby increased.

3. If the liability of the Insurer under (any item of) the Policy apart from this Extension shall be
reduced by the application of any of the terms and conditions of the Policy then the liability of the Insurer under this Extension (in respect of any such item) shall be reduced in like proportion.

4. The total amount recoverable under any item of the Policy shall not exceed the sum insured thereby.

5. All the conditions of the Policy except insofar as they may be hereby expressly varied shall
apply as if they had been incorporated herein.

Public Utilities Clause
Any loss as insured by this policy resulting from interruption of or interference with the Business in consequence of loss destruction or damage at the undernoted situations or to property as undernoted shall be deemed to be an incident. Property at any
a. Generating station or sub-station of the public electricity supply undertaking
b. Land based premises of the public gas supply undertaking or of any natural gas producer linked directly therewith
c. Water works or pumping station of the public water supply undertaking
d. Land based premises of the public telecommunications undertaking
e. from which the Insured obtains (electricity) (gas) (water) or (telecommunications services) all in Indonesia

Removal Permit Clause
“It Is hereby understood and agreed that this policy shall be extended to cover against all direct loss and/or damage caused by the removing of property hereunder insured, from locations or premises affected by the perils insured hereunder, and also to cover during the terms of ten (10) days, such property in any other place where it should be necessary to move the insured property in order to preserve it from the perils insured hereunder or to maintain if safe from the perils of the occurrence”

Rent Clause (Loss of Rent)
“It is hereby declared and agreed that in the event of the said premises or any part thereof becoming untenantable as result of its destruction or damage by fire or any other perils hereby insured against, the company will, subject to the conditions hereinafter contained, indemnify the insured for loss or rent in accordance with the lease or agreement existing at the tie of such destruction or damage. The company shall only be answerable for rent for such period as the premises (or proportionately in the case of any part thereof) may be actually untenantable, due diligence being used in the repair or
reconstruction of the same, but if any case the repair or reconstruction of the said premises be not fortwith commenced, the loss of rent shall be determined by the time which would have sufficed for the purpose had due deligence been used, but in no case exceeding 12 (twelve) months rent.

In case the rent of the premises for the period specified shall exceed the sum hereby insured, the amount payable shall be in the proportion which the sum insured bears to such rent.
If the whole of any part of the premises be occupied by the insured, the rent thereof shall be assessed at a reasonable market value. And it is further stipulated that should any of the standing charges incurred for maintaining the premises in a tenantable condition (such as wages of caretaker or liftmen, cost of power, lighting and the like), ceased or be reduced in consequence of fire of any other peril hereby insured against, then the amount payable shall be reduced accordingly”

Replacement Clause
“In the event of loss or damage to ay parts or parts of an insured machine or equipment caused by a peril covered by a peril covered by the policy the sum recoverable shall not exceed the cost of replacement or repair of such part or parts plus charges for forwarding and refitting, if incurred, but not excluding duty unless the full duty is included in the amount insured, in which case loss if any, sustained by payment of additional duty shall also be recoverable. Provided always that in no case shall the liability of underwriters exceed the insured value of the complete machine or equipment.”

Selling Price Clause
It is noted and agreed that in respect of goods sold but not yet delivered for which the Insured is responsible and with regard to which under the written or printed conditions of sale the Sale Contract is cancelled by reason of the loss or damage indemnified by this Policy either wholly or to the extent of the loss or damage, the liability of the Insurer shall be based on the contract price, and for the purpose of average the value of all goods, to which this clause would in the event of loss or damage be applicable shall be ascertained on the same basis.

Services Clause
The Insurance by this policy relating to ‘machinery’ and ‘equipment’ extends to include telephone, gas, water and electric instruments, maters, piping, cabling and the like and accessories thereof including similar property in adjoining yards or roadways or underground all the property of the insured or of suppliers or others for which the insured are responsible.

Seventy Two Hours Clause
It is agreed that any loss or damage to the Insured Property arising during any one period of seventy two (72) consecutive hours, caused by windstorm tempest flood or earthquake shall be deemed as a single event and therefore to constitute one occurrence with regard to the Deductibles provided for herein, for the purposes of the foregoing the commencement of any such seventy two (72) hours period shall be decided at the discretion of the Insured it being understood and agreed, however, that there shall be no overlapping in any two or more such seventy two (72) hours period in the event of damage occurring over a more extended period of time.

Vehicle Impact Clause
It is hereby declared and agreed that by deleting the word “vehicle impact” in CHAPTER II-EXCEPTION item 1.3.2. of this Policy, the Insurance hereunder is extended to cover :

4.11.1 VEHICLE IMPACT, which for the purpose of this Endorsement shall mean :
Damage to the property insured directly resulting from actual physical contact of a vehicle with the property insured hereunder or with the building containing such property.
Provided that the Insurer shall not be liable for any damage caused :
i) By any vehicle owned or operated by the Insured or by any tenant of the insured premises
ii) To fences, driveways, walk ways or lawns
iii) To any other vehicle including its contents, other than stock of vehicles in process of manufacture or for sale
For the purpose of this Endorsement, “vehicle” shall mean any Vehicle running or land or tracks but not aircraft. It is further agreed that for each and every loss recoverable hereunder, the Insured shall bear Rp. 1.000.000,00 (One Million Rupiahs).

4.11.2 INDUSTRIAL SMOKE, which for the purpose of this Endorsement shall mean :
Loss or damage to the property insured resulting from smoke due to a sudden, unusual and faulty operation of any heating or cooking units connected to a chimney by a smoke pipe or by a vent pipe, which is in or on the Insured premises excluding, however, smoke from fireplaces or industrial apparatus.(This wording is a translation of the original version in Bahasa Indonesia, in the event of any dispute arising from the interpretation of any meaning herein, the terms and conditions shall be interpreted according to the original Bahasa Indonesia Version)

Special Electrical Short Circuit Coverage Clause
It is hereby expressly understood and agreed that in consideration of the payment of an additional premium as arranged, this policy also covers loss or damage to any generator, motor, transformers, and/or any other electrical machine and/or electrical installation cause by short circuit and self heating.

Spoilage Cover Extension
It is hereby noted and agreed tha in the event of a recoverable loss under this policy, the liability shall extend to include any loss or damage to the stock in process subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.

Sprinkler Leakage Clause
It is hereby agreed and declared that the insurance under the policy shall extend to cover loss or damage to the property insured caused by water accidentally discharged or leaking from the Automatic Sprinkler Installation subject to First Loss Sum Insured and subject to a deductible of any one location and further subject to all the usual conditions of the policy and the following special conditions :
1.The liability if the company shall in no case under this endorsement and the policy exceed the sum insured by each item of the policy.
2.Further provided that such discharge or leakage of water shall not be occasioned by or happen trough :
A.Repairs or alteration to the buildings or premises
B.The automatic sprinkler installation being either repaired, removed or extended.
C.The order of the Government or of any municipal local or other competent Authority
D.Defects in construction or condition of which the insured is aware.
E. Condensation or deposits on the Automatic Sprinkler Installation.

Structural Alterations Clause
It is hereby noted and agreed, that the structural alteration and extension of the buildings mentioned in this Policy is allowed, as are the erection of new building, installation, reinstallation, replacement of machines, tools, implements, piping or other installation and objects as well as to move all these within the premises.
In case of removal or demolition of an insured object this insurance will cover the new items substituting the removed or demolished objects up to the original amount insured.

Suppliers and Customers Extension Clause
Subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy, loss resulting from interruption of or interference with the Business in consequence of Damage to :
a. property of suppliers, manufactures or processors of components, goods, materials, suppliers of service or other facilities and their suppliers.
b. Property of customers
c. Property whilst in transit by road, rail or inland waterway.

Anywhere in the World is regarded as due to the insured Events insured by the Specification shall be deemed to be the loss resulting from Damage to property of the Insured.

Temporary Removal Clause
It is hereby agreed that the property insured by this Policy (other than any stock in trade or merchandise) is covered in respect of the perils hereby insured against whilst temporarily removed for cleaning, renovation, repair or other similar purposes, elsewhere on the same premises or any other premises in the Republic of Indonesia and in transit thereto and therefrom by road.
Provided always that:
1. The amount recoverable under this Extension in respect of each item of this Policy shall not exceed the amount which would have been recoverable …the loss occurred in that part of the premises from which the property temporarily removed nor, in respect of any loss occuring elsewhere than …the said premises, 10% of the sum insured by this Policy after deductible therefrom the value of any building (exclusive of fixtures and fittings) stock in trade or merchandise hereby
2. This extension does not apply to property if and so far as it is otherwise insured.
3. As regards losses occuring elsewhere than at the premises from which the property is temporarily removed to:
a. motor vehicles and motor chassis licensed for normal road use
b. property held by the Insured in trust, other than machinery and plant

This clause is subject otherwise to all the terms and conditions of the Policy to which it is attached.

Tenants Improvement Clause
The insurance by this Policy extends to include tenants improvements and alteration to Landlord’s property insofar as the Insured is responsible therefore.

Theft Extension Memo
It is hereby noted and agreed that in consideration of the Insured having paid an additional premium, this policy shall be extended to cover loss and/or damage to the insured property caused by Theft without any visible violent or forcible entry to the insured premises, provided always that this endorsement shall be deemed to exclude property stored in the open air.

30 Days Cancellation Notice Clause
Both the Insurer and the Insured are entitled to terminate this insurance upon thirty (30) days notice in writing being given. Such termination should be effected to the registered letter and the Insured entitle to a pro-rata return premium for the unexpired period of Insurance.

Unlicensed Vehicle Clause
It is hereby understood and agreed that this policy extends to indemnify the Insured for claims in respect of bodily injury or damages to the property arising out of the use of vehicles (not licensed for public road) in and around the premises for the purpose of property maintenance and repair.

Vehicle Load Clause
In the event of the Insured’s Property being left loaded in Vehicles or freight containers overnight while in, on or about the premises hereby insured the Insurer will indemnify the Insured for the loss of or damage to such Property caused by fire or any other peril insured hereby, provided always that the Insurer’s Liability shall not exceed the sum insured of Property under the Policy.




It is agreed that any loss of or damage to the Insured Property arising during any one period of 72 consecutive hours, caused by storm, tempest, flood or earthquake shall be deemed as a single event and therefore to constitute one occurrence with regard to the Excesses provided for herein.
For the purpose of the foregoing the commencement of any such 72 hours period shall be decided at the discretion of the Insured it being understood and agreed, however, that there shall be no overlapping in any two or more such 72 hours periods in the event of damage occurring over a more extended period of time.


In consideration of the Insured undertaking to pay additional premium at the agreed rate on the amount of loss calculated on a pro rata basis from the date of the reinstatement to expiry of the current period of insurance it is agreed that in the event of loss the insurance hereunder shall be maintained in force for the full sum insured.


In the event of any loss or damage the basis of any settlement under this Policy shall be
a) In the case of damage which can be repaired – the cost of repairs necessary to restore the items to their conditions immediately before the occurrence of the damage less salvage, or
b) In the case of a total loss – the actual value of the items immediately before the occurrence of the loss less salvage. However, only to the extent to the costs claimed had to be borne by the Insured and to the extent they are included in the Sums Insured and provided always that the provisions and conditions have been complied with.
The Insurers will make payment only being satisfied by productions of the necessary bills and documents that the repair have been effected or replacement has taken place as the case bay be. All damage which can be repaired shall be repaired, but if the cost of repairing any damage equals or exceeds the value of the items immediately before the occurrence of the damage, the settlement shall be made on the basis provided in b) above.
The costs of any provisional repairs will be borne by the Insurers if such repairs constitute part of the final repairs and do not increase the total repair expenses.
The cost of any alterations, additions and/or improvements shall not be recoverable under this Policy.

It is hereby noted and agreed that valid claim (if any) under this policy shall be settled by the Insurers as soon as practicable but not later than 3 (three) months after a written notification of such loss including supporting documents have been received by the Insurers.

It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium , the Third Party Liability cover of the Policy shall apply to the insured parties named in the Schedule as if a separate policy had been issued to each party, provided that the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured under this Endorsement in respect of liability for
. loss of or damage to items insured or insurable under Section I of the Policy, even if not recoverable due to an excess or any limit,
  fatal or non  fatal injury or illness of employees or workmen who are or could have been insured under Workmen's Compensation and/or Employers' Liability insurance.
The Insurers' total liability in respect of the Insured parties shall not however exceed in the aggregate for any one accident or series of accidents arising out of one event the limit of indemnity stated in the Schedule.

It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this Policy shall be extended to cover loss or damage due to strike, riot and civil commotion which for the purpose of this Endorsement shall meant (subject always to the Special Conditions hereinafter contained) loss of or damage to the property insured directly caused by :
1.   The act of any person taking part together with others in any disturbances of the public peace (whether in connection with a strike or lock out or not) not being an occurrence mentioned in condition 2 of the Special Conditions hereof,
2.     The action of any lawfully constituted authority in suppressing or attempting to suppress any such disturbance or in minimizing the consequences of any such disturbance,
3.  The willful act of any striker or locked out worker done in furtherance of a strike or in resistance to a lock out,
4. The action of any lawfully constituted authority in preventing or attempting to prevent any such act or in minimizing the consequences of any such act.
Provided that it is hereby further expressly agreed and declared that
1. All the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions of the Policy shall apply in all respects to the insurance granted by this extension save in so far as the same are expressly varied by the following Special Conditions and any reference to loss or damage in the wording of the Policy shall be deemed to include the perils hereby insured against,
2. The following Special Conditions shall apply only to the insurance granted by this extension and the wording of the Policy shall apply in all respects to the insurance granted by the Policy as if this Endorsement had not been made thereon.
Special Conditions
1. This insurance shall not cover
a. Loss or damage resulting from total or partial cessation of work of the retarding or interruption or cessation of any process or operation,
b.  Loss or damage occasioned by permanent or temporary dispossession resulting from confiscation, commandeering or requisition by any lawfully constituted authority,
a. Loss or damage occasioned by permanent or temporary dispossession of any building resulting from the unlawful occupation by any person of such building.
Provided nevertheless that the Insurers are not relieved under b or c above of any liability to the Insured in respect of physical damage to the property insured occurring before dispossession or during temporary dispossession.
2. This insurance shall not cover any loss or damage occasioned by or through or in consequence, directly or indirectly, of any of the following occurrences, namely
a.  War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not),      civil war,
b.  Mutiny, civil commotion assuming the proportion of or amounting to a popular rising, military rising, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, military or usurped power,
c.  Any act of any person acting on behalf of or in connection with any organization with activities directed toward the overthrow by force of the government de jure or de facto or to the influencing of it by terrorism or violence.
In any action, suit or other proceeding, where the Insurers allege that by reason of the provisions of this condition any loss or damage is not covered  by this insurance, the burden of proving that such loss or damage is covered shall be upon the Insured.
3. This insurance may at any time be terminated by the Insurers on notice to that effect being given by registered post to the Insured's last known address, in which case the Insurers shall be liable to repay a rateable proportion of the premium for the unexpired term from the date of cancellation.
4.    The limit of indemnity any one occurrence as stated below shall under stood to limit the indemnity for all loss or damage covered by this endorsement during a consecutive period 168 hours.

The aggregate liability of the insurers during the period of cover of this policy shall be limited by twice the limit of indemnity any one occurrence.

OVERTIME, NIGHT WORK &amp; EXPRESS FREIGHT ( Limit IDR. 10,000,000.00 )
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended to cover extra charges for overtime, night work, work on public holidays and express freight (excluding airfreight).

Provided always that such extra charges are incurred in connection with any loss of or damage to the insured items recoverable under the Policy.
If the sum(s) insured of the damaged item(s) is(are) less than the amount(s) required to be insured, the amount payable under this Endorsement for such extra charges shall be reduced in the same proportion.

DEBRIS REMOVAL CLAUSE ( 10 % of Total Contract Clause )
Incorporated within the sum insured it is hereby agreed that this Policy extends to indemnity the Insured in respect of :
The cost of removal of debris, propping or shoring up, demolition and any temporary repairs necessary (including the insured's legal liability for the cost of removal of debris, demolition and temporary repairs in regard to adjoining premises, roadways or waterways, as well as on the site), consequent upon the destruction of or damage to any property insured by this policy (or policies) occasioned by fire or any other peril thereby insured against.


It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the insured having paid the agreed extra premium, Section I of insurance shall be extended to cover loss of or damage to the existing property or property belonging to or held in care, custody or control by the Insured caused by or arising out of the construction or erection of the items insured under Section I.
The Insured will only indemnify the insured for loss of or damage to the insured property provided that prior to the commencement of constructions its condition is sound and the necessary safety measures have been taken.
In respect of loss or damage caused by vibration or by the removal or weakening of support Insurers will only indemnify the Insured for loss or damage as a result of a total partial collapse of the insured property, and not for superficial damage which neither impairs the stability of the insured property nor endangers its users.
The Insurers will not indemnify the Insured for
 Loss or damage which is foreseeable having regard to the nature of the construction work or the manner of its execution work or the manner of its execution,
 The costs of loss prevention or minimization measures which become necessary during the period of insurance

ESCALATION CLAUSE ( Limit 15 % of Total Contract Value )
In consideration of the payment of an additional premium amounting to 50% (fifty percent) of the premium produced by applying the specified percentage to the first of the annual premium as appropriate to the item(s) as specified in the schedule, the sum insured thereby shall, during the period of insurance, be increased each day by an amount representing 1/365 th of the specified percentage increased per annum.
Unless specifically agreed to the contrary the provision of this clause shall only apply to the sum insured in force at the commencement of each period of insurance, and at each renewal date the insured shall notify the insurers of :
1 . The sums to be insured under each item, but in the absence of such instructions the sums insured under the items shall be those stated in the policy (as amended by any endorsement effective prior to the aforesaid renewal date) to which shall be added the increase which have been granted under this clause during the period of insurance up to that renewal date, and

2. The specified percentage increase(s) required for the forthcoming period of insurance, but in the absence of instructions to the contrary prior to renewal date the existing percentage increase shall apply for the period of insurance from renewal.

All the conditions of the policy except insofar as they may have hereby been expressly varied shall remain the same.

This policy is extended to cover loss of or damage to fire extinguishing appliances caused by the insured perils.
The extension is deemed to include the cost of reasonably incurred for refilling the fire extinguishing appliances providing always that such cost is incurred as a direct result of the use of the fire extinguishing appliances for the extinguishments of fire endangering the safety of the insured property.
The insurer, however, will not be liable for the first ……Of each and every loss in respect of the cost of refill, provided always that the liability of the company in respect of the cost of such wages and costs shall be limited to those necessarily and reasonably incurred in extinguishing fires at adjoining premises of the property insured or immediately threatening to involve such property.
The insurance under this endorsement shall be subject to all the terms, limitations, stipulations, exclusions or exceptions and provisions printed on or expressed in or endorsed upon or attaching to the policy.

FIRE BRIGADE CHARGE ( IDR 100,000,000.00 )
It is hereby understood and agreed that the charges raised by any local authority for the provision of fire fighting appliances called for the purpose of protecting the premises shall be recoverable hereunder.

ENDORSEMENT 220 – INLAND TRANSIT (Limit IDR 500,000,000.00)
It is agreed understood that, otherwise subject to the terms, exclusion, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, section I of this insurance shall be extended to cover loss or damage to locally supplied property insured.
• Whilst in transit to the contact site other than on waterway or by air within the territorial limits of Daruba – Pulau Morotai
• Caused as a result of collision, impact, flood, earthquake, inundation, landslide or rock side, subsidence, burglary or fire.
• Provided that the insured provided that the insured property is suitable packed and/or prepared for transit which shall also and deemed to include stowage.
• And provided that the maximum amount payable under this endorsement not exceed IDR 500,000,000.00 per conveyance.


It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, the party liability cover of the Policy shall apply to the insured’s consultant named in the Schedule as if a separate policy had been issued to each party, provided that the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured under this Endorsement in respect of Liability for :
- Loss of or damage to items insured or insurable under Section I of the Policy even if not recoverable due to an excess or any limit.
- Fatal or non-fatal injury or illness of employees or workmen who are or could have been insured under workmen’s compensation and/or employer’s liability insurance.

The Insurers total liability in respect of the insured parties shall not however exceed in the aggregate for any one accident or series of accidents arising out of one event the limit of indemnity stated in the Schedule.


Notwithstanding anything contained herein is the contrary, it is agreed that the indemnity provided herein shall not apply to:   
Compensation for damages in respect of judgments not in the first instance delivered by or obtained from a court of competent Jurisdiction within Indonesia.
Costs and expenses of litigation recovered by any claimant from the insured which are not incurred in and recoverable in Indonesia.


Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary it is agreed  that  this  insurance  will  not  be prejudiced by any inadvertent delays, errors or omission in notifying the Company of any circumstances or events giving rise or likely to give rise to a claim under this Policy.


 “It is hereby noted and agreed that in the event of a claim, Loss Adjusters to be selected from the following Panel : 
- PT. Cunningham Lindsay Indonesia
- PT. Axis International
- PT. Japenansi Nusantara


 This insurance may terminated at any time at the option of the Insurer on writing notice to that effect being given to the Insured. The termination shall be effective at noon on the 3rd (third) day after receipt of such notice by the Insured. The Insurer shall be liable to repay on demand a rate able proportion of the premium for the unexpired term from the date the termination is effective.

It is agreed and understood that this Policy shall be extended to cover loss or damage to materials and any other goods or objects intended for incorporation into the works whilst such material goods or objects are stored anywhere in Daruba – Pulau Morotai (unless more specifically insured) other than when actually being worked upon. Provided always that the Insurer Liability under this extension shall not exceed Rp.,- per occurrence per location.

It is hereby declared and agreed that the progress payment on account of any loss recoverable under this Policy will be made to the Insured at such stages as may be mutually agreed upon if desired by the Insured and on production of an interim report by the Loss Adjuster (if appointed) provided that such payment are deducted from the finally agreed settlement figures.

PLANT & DOCUMENTS (limit 10% of TCV)
Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the insurance hereby is extended to indemnify the insured against the necessarily incurred costs of rewriting or redrawing of plans and drawings or other contract, documents lost, destroyed or damaged as a result of a peril insured hereunder.

Wherever or whenever such loss or destruction or damage occur, indemnification shall be limited to the cost of labour expended in such rewriting or redrawing including all necessary overtime working or research.


It is hereby noted and agreed as follows

a) The insurance of each item on building or contents includes and amount in respect of architects surveyor legal and consulting engineers fee not exceeding those provided under the scales of the various institutions and/or bodies or damage and not exceeding 10% of the individual sum insured.

b) The insurance on Fees applies only to those necessarily and reasonably incurred in the reinstatement or repair of the property insured consequent upon its destruction or damage but not for preparing any claim, it being understood that the amount payable under the item not exceed in total its sum insured.

All Transmission and Distribution lines, including wire, cables, poles, pylons, standard towers and any equipment of any type of which may be attendant to such installation of any description,  This exclusion includes but is not limited to transmission or distribution of electrical power, telephone or telegraph signal and all communication signals whether audio or visual.
This exclusion applies to both above and below ground equipment except that which is within 1,000 meters of the insured’s premises or as defined in the Assured’s original policy  (ies)
This exclusion applies to physical damage to the equipment and all business interruption, consequential and/or other contingent losses related to transmission and distribution line

VIBRATION REMOVAL OR WEAKENING OF SUPPORT (limit 10% of loss min IDR. 15,000,000.00)

It is agreed and understood that the otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provision and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, Section II of this insurance shall be extended to cover liability consequent upon loss or damage caused by vibration or by the removal or weakening of support.

Provide always that :

 The Insurers will indemnify the Insured in respect of liability for loss or damage to any property or land or building only such loss or damage result in the total or partial collapse.
 The Insurers will indemnify the Insured in respect of liability for loss or damage to any property or land building only if prior to the commencement of construction its is sound and the necessary loss prevention measures have been taken,
 The insured if required shall before commencement of construction and at his own expense prepare a report on the condition of any endangered property or land or building.

The Insurers will not indemnify the Insured in respect of liability for :
 Loss or damage which is foreseeable having regard to the nature of the construction work or the manner of this execution,
 Superficial damage which neither impairs the stability of the property, land building nor endangers their user,
 The costs of loss prevention or minimizing measures which become necessary during the period of insurance.

It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, the Insurers shall waive all rights of subrogation arising out of loss or damage indemnifiable under the Policy which the Insurers may have against persons using the insured items with the consent of the Insured.


Being an Insured, you are entitled to the indemnity for each claim in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in this policy.
If your claim is rejected due to non fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this policy and the amount of your claim is not more than Rp. 500.000.000,- any one loss and you disagree with such rejection, you may seek the resolution through Badan Mediasi Asuransi Indonesia (BMAI)
• BMAI’s services is free of charge
• The decision of BMAI Adjudication is binding on us (The Insurer)
• You have freedom to either accept or reject BMAI Adjudication decision
You may contact BMAI at:
• Telpon No.:
• Fax No. :
• E-mail :
• Website :

Endorsement 115 Cover for designer’s risk
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, exclusion c) under special exclusions to Section 1 of the Policy shall be deleted and exclusion d replaced by the following wording:
“d) The cost of replacement, repair or rectification of loss of or damage to items due to defective material and/or workmanship and/or faulty design, but this exclusion shall be limited to the items immediately affected and shall not be deemed to exclude loss of or damage to correctly executed items resulting from an accident due to such defective material and/or workmanship and/or faulty design.”
Extra premium:

Endorsement 003 Maintenance visits cover
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended for the maintenance period specified hereunder to cover solely loss of or damage to the contract works caused by the insured contractor(s) in the course of the operations carried out for the purpose of complying with the obligations under the maintenance provisions of the contract.

Endorsement 013 Property in off-site storage
It is agreed and understood that, notwithstanding the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions of the Policy or any Endorsements agreed upon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, Section 1 of the Policy shall be extended to cover loss of or damage to property insured (except property being manufactured, processed or stored at the manufacturer’s, distributor’s or supplier’s premises) in off-site storage within the territorial limits as stated below.
The Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured for loss or damage caused by the failure to take generally accepted loss prevention measures for warehouses or storage units. Such measures shall include, in particular:
– ensuring that the storage area is enclosed (either a building or at least fenced in), guarded, protected against fire, as appropriate for the particular location or type of property stored;
– separating the storage units by fire-proof walls or by a distance of at least 50 metres;
– positioning and designing the storage units in such a way as to prevent damage by accumulating water or flooding due to rainfall or by a flood with a statistical return period of less than 20 years;
– limiting the value per storage unit.
Territorial limits of:
Maximum value per storage unit:
Limit of indemnity (any one occurrence):
Deductible: % of loss amount, minimum
any one occurrence
Extra premium:

Endorsement 102 Special conditions concerning underground cables, pipes and other facilities
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall only indemnify the Insured in respect of loss of or damage to existing underground cables and/or pipes or other underground facilities if, prior to the commencement of works, the Insured has inquired with the relevant authorities about the exact position of such cables, pipes or other underground facilities and takes all necessary steps to avoid damage to same.
Claims in respect of loss of or damage to such underground facilities which are in the same position as shown on the underground maps (drawings indicating the position of the underground facilities) shall be payable after applying a deductible of 20% of the loss amount or the deductible stated under a below, whichever is the greater.
Claims in respect of loss of or damage to underground facilities incorrectly shown on the underground map shall be payable after applying the deductible stated under b below.
The indemnity shall in any case be restricted to the repair costs of such cables, pipes or other underground facilities, any consequential damage and penalties being excluded from the cover.

Deductibles: a) 20% of the loss amount, minim

Errors and Ommissions Clause :
The Insured shall not be prejudiced by an unintentional and/or inadvertent, omissions, errors, incorrect valuation or incorrect description of the interest, risk, or property provided notice is given to the Company as soon as practicable upon discovery of such errors and omissions and subject to the Insured paying additional premium arising therefrom.

Cover for insured contract works taken over or put into service
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, the insurance shall be extended to cover
– loss of or damage to parts of the insured contract works taken over or put into service if such loss or damage emanates from the construction of the items insured under Section 1 and happens during the period of cover.

Free Issue Material
(This clause shall apply only to contracts for supply of fabricated equipment with purchaser's Free Issue Materials (FIM).
Wherever contracts envisage supply of Free Issue Material (FIM) by the Purchaser to the contractor for fabrication of the contracted equipment/stores, such Free Issue Material shall be safeguarded by an insurance policy to be provided by the Contractor at his own cost for the full value of such materials and the insurance policy shall cover, the following risks specifically and shall be valid for six months beyond the contractual delivery date:
1. RISKS TO BE COVERED: Any loss or damage to the Purchaser's materia1s due to fire, theft, riot, burglary, strike, civil commotion, terrorist act, natural calamities etc. and any loss or damage arising out of any other causes such as other materials falling on purchaser's materials.
2. INSURED BY :                                                       (Name of the Contractor)

Special conditions concerning fire-fighting facilities and fire safety on construction sites
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall only indemnify the Insured for loss or damage directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from fire or explosion, provided always that
1. with regard to the progress of work adequate fire-fighting equipment and sufficient extinguishing agents are available and operative at all times.
Fully operative wet riser hydrants are installed up to one level below the highest current work level and are sealed by temporary end caps;
2. the cabinets containing hose reels and portable fire extinguishers are inspected at regular intervals but at least twice a week;
3. fire compartments as required by local regulations are installed as soon as possible after the removal of formwork. Openings for lift shafts, service ducts and other voids are provisionally closed as soon as possible but not later than at the commencement of fit-out work;
4. waste material is removed regularly. All floors undergoing fit-out are cleared of combustible waste at the end of each working day;
5. a “permit to work” system is implemented for all contractors engaged in “hot work” of any kind such as but not limited to
– grinding, cutting or welding operations,
– use of blow lamps and torches,
– application of hot bitumen,
or any other heat-producing operation.
“Hot work” is carried out only in the presence of at least one worker equipped with a fire extinguisher and trained in fire-fighting.
The area of any “hot work” is examined one hour after the work has finished;
6. storage of material for the construction or erection shall be subdivided into storage units not exceeding the value stated below per storage unit. The individual storage units shall be either at least 50 m apart or separated by fire-proof walls. All flammable material and especially all flammable liquids and gases shall be stored at a sufficiently large distance from the property under construction or erection and any hot work;
7. a Site Safety Coordinator is appointed.
A reliable fire alarm system is installed and whenever possible a direct communication link maintained with the nearest fire brigade.
A Fire Protection Plan and a Site Fire Action Plan are implemented and updated regularly.
The contractor’s personnel are trained in fire-fighting and fire-fighting drills carried out weekly.
The nearest fire brigade is familiarized with the site and immediate access maintained for it at all times;
8. the site is fenced off and access controlled.
Value per storage unit:                 

Expediting Expenses Clause
In the event of loss or damage to the property insured or any part hereof the cost of any repair replacement or rectification admitted under this policy shall include the additional costs not exceeding 100% of the repair costs overtime weekend and shift working bonus payments plants hire charges express delivery (including airfreight) and the like necessarily and reasonably incurred in expediting such repair replacement or rectification but excluding any such costs solely to expedite the completion of any construction erection or installation of property not lost or damaged.         

It is hereby agreed that any particulars or details contained in the Insured’s books or account or other business books or documents which may be required by the Insurers under the claims conditions of this Policy for the purpose of investigating or verifying any claim hereunder may be produced by professional accountant if at the time they are regularly acting to as such for the Insured and their report shall be prima facie evidence of the particulars and details to which such report relates, the cost of such preparation shall be at the Insurer’s expense.

Special conditions concerning safety measures with respect to precipitation, flood and inundation Clause
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions,provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall only indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability caused directly or indirectly by precipitation, flood or inundation if adequate safety measures have been taken in designing and executing the project involved.
For the purposes of this Endorsement adequate safety measures shall mean that, at all times throughout the policy period, allowance is made for precipitation, flood and inundation up to a return period of 20 years for the location insured on the basis of the statistics prepared by the meteorological `gencies. Loss, damage or liability resulting from the Insured’s not immediately removing obstructions (e.g. sand, trees) from watercourses within the construction site, whether carrying water or not, in order to maintain free waterflow shall not be indemnifiable.

Special conditions concerning underground cables, pipes and other facilities
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall only indemnify the Insured in respect of loss of or damage to existing underground cables and/or pipes or other underground facilities if, prior to the commencement of works, the Insured has inquired with the relevant authorities about the exact position of such cables, pipes or other underground facilities and takes all necessary steps to avoid damage to same.
Claims in respect of loss of or damage to such underground facilities which are in the same position as shown on the underground maps (drawings indicating the position of the underground facilities) shall be payable after applying a deductible of 20% of the loss amount or the deductible stated under a below, whichever is the greater.
Claims in respect of loss of or damage to underground facilities incorrectly shown on the underground map shall be payable after applying the deductible stated under a. below.
The indemnity shall in any case be restricted to the repair costs of such cables, pipes or other underground facilities, any consequential damage and penalties being excluded from the cover.
Deductibles: a) 20% of the loss amount, minimum any one occurrence